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    Friday, November 28, 2008

    CML's Web 2.0 Toolbox

    I already utilize Google Gmail, the Firefox browser, assorted other tools, and now LibraryThing, among others, but I think that I could be assisted in many of my materials queries by adding the CML catalog search toolbar to my browser. On the face of it, this tool seems like it will prove to be a fantastic addition to my browser. I also am anxious to create my own StumbleUpon account, as I am already familiar with the site through friends' sharings with me, but have not yet set up my own account there. I think that this site pools together some great independent websites out there and lets you, well, quite literally just stumble upon them!

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    821 English poetry
    Geoff = 75566 = 755+66 = 821

    800 Literature

    Literature, criticism, analysis of classic writing and mythology.

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    You're a global, worldly person who wants to make a big impact with your actions. You have a lot to tell people and you're good at making unique observations about everyday experiences. You can notice and remember details that other people think aren't important.
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